Benefits of Ghee and How to Use

Most of us could vividly remember eating ghee rice as a child nicely made into a ball by mom. Ghee rice fed from momma’s hands is a combination we enjoyed as children and cherish as fondful memories. From ghee in daily bread toasts to lunch with dal, rice and ghee in daily life to sweets made of ghee for special occasions, we have all had a great connection with ghee as part of happy food moments throughout our lives. 

Benefits of Ghee

Benefits of Ghee

Ghee not only enhances the taste of the food, but has numerous benefits. Let’s look at a few of them.

  • Ghee is a natural cure for cough

    With climate change, cough and cold are common. Eating a spoon of warm ghee by itself or mixed with ginger is a home remedy that can help you deal with cough immediately. Ghee has anti bacterial, antioxidants which can ward off cough and cold.

  • Ghee is a good source of healthy fats

    Generally everyone tends to avoid using oil in cooking citing that they are adopting a healthy lifestyle. But I would suggest that you go ahead and apply ghee on your Paratha or chapati. Including ghee regularly in our diet can provide our body with the essential fats like monounsaturated omega 3. So including ghee as a part of a balanced diet is beneficial to the heart.

  • Ghee is loaded with fat soluble vitamins

    That is rich in fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Thus, good  for vision, for maintaining healthy skin. It also helps in improving gut health and thereby boosts immunity.

  • Ghee improves vision

It contains antioxidants like vitamin E which help in reducing risk of cataracts. 

  • Ghee helps to maintain healthy skin

Ghee provides nourishing benefits to the skin. It helps to hydrate and maintain clear skin. It helps in moisturizing the skin even during dry and cold weather. 

  • Aids in weight loss

    Ghee improves your metabolism and helps to reduce your weight

  • It has a high heating point

     has a high smoking point and can be used for frying. Ghee is stable and there is less risk of producing free radicals harmful to our body.

  • Ghee on empty stomach

Take one teaspoon of lukewarm ghee on an empty stomach daily. This aids in digestion and clears up any obstacles in the digestive system 

  • Ghee enhances taste of even a bland food

    Generally, we prepare bland food for children as we don’t want them to be eating too much salt and sugar. Add a dollop of ghee to the dish and it can elevate even the most bland food relishable.

  • Ghee is a super food for babies

    Ghee is high in calories. Babies tend to lose weight while weaning off. Adding ghee into their diet can help with increasing their weight.

Slimy or Mucilaginous Vegetables – Benefits

Simple Ways to include ghee in children’s diet

  • Apply ghee on Paratha or chapati 
  • Mix ghee with rice and rice based dishes
  • Fry pooris or snacks in ghee
  • Mix ghee with milk
  • Use ghee as cooking oil
  • Add ghee to prepare sweets 

Side Effects of Ghee

Everything is good in limits, but when you go beyond the permissible limits even elixir can become poisonous. Ghee also, is good only in moderation. Excessive use of ghee can be adverse to your health. Some side effects of ghee are as follows.

  • Ghee should be avoided during the initial months of pregnancy, it is considered beneficial for inducing labor. Yet pregnant ladies avoid them during the initial months of pregnancy, especially if you have weight issues like obesity or if they have a heart condition.
  • It could lead to obesity, that can lead to obesity if consumed excessively.
  • Ghee is hard to digest, If you are already having difficulty in digestion or have an irritable bowel syndrome, consumption of ghee is not good for you.
  • That should be avoided by those who have diseases in the liver or spleen, this should be avoided during seasonal fever

Benefits of Colored Vegetables and Fruits

Ghee also known as clarified butter is considered very healthy and has been consumed since ages in India. Despite all the benefits of ghee just as everything in life is good in moderation, use of ghee also should be as a part of a balanced diet. When part of a balanced diet, you can reap the benefits of ghee while minimising the ill effects of having excessive ghee.

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Author Profile 

Maria Joseph

Maria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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