Baby Developmental Milestones: 1 Month – 12 Months


Developmental Milestones 1-12 Months

1 Month –  

By 1 month of age, an infant should be able to do majority of the following activities

  1. Turning the head to the side it is touched, normally cheeks or mouth
  2. Bringing the two hands in front of his mouth
  3. Turning to the side as a response to the voice the baby is used to
  4. Latching his lips to mom’s breasts properly for the feed and touching the breasts.

Hands-on for parents and caretakers

  1. Feed the baby within an hour of his birth cuddling him close to the body
  2. Make sure to hold the baby’s head every time you move his position or lift him.
  3. Cuddle/hug him softly close to your body.
  4. Your worry or discomfort should not deter you from handling the baby with care and love.
  5. Feed the baby as many times possible. Once in 3-4 hours is a must.
  6. Talk with him and if you can sing for him.
  7. Meet the paediatrician after 6 weeks of birth.

Developmental Milestones of Babies: 2-5 years

Signs you should not ignore – Meet the doctor if

  1. Baby feeds very less or refuses to feed
  2. Baby shows Less active, less limb movements
  3. Baby shows no or less response to new light or sound
  4. Baby cries for hours together
  5. Loose stools

At six months –

By six months, the baby should be able to most of the following activities

  1. Baby lying on his stomach and rising his head and chest
  2. Able to touch, hold and shake/move the things hung in front of them
  3. Roll on both the sides
  4. Sit with help and support
  5. React, respond to gestures, sounds and different facial expressions
  6. Recognize his name when mentioned
  7. Identify familiar faces, Respond to familiar voices and reply accordingly with expressions, sound and hand/leg movements
  8. Teeth starts growing on lower central Incisors most probably.

Hands-on for Parents and Caretakers

  1. Always Place the baby on a clean, smooth, flat surface. Not just ensures easy movement for the baby but also ensures safety.
  2. While holding the baby, keep him slightly up so that he can look around and observe what is happening around him
  3. Feed baby whenever he cries for food or shows signs of hunger
  4. Start solid foods for baby – 2 times for 6 – 8 months baby and 3 or 4 times for 8-12 months)
  5. Talk more, sing songs for the baby
  6. Rub and massage on the lower and upper gum of the baby gently with your clean index finger to ease the discomfort caused by teething

Signs you shouldn’t ignore – Consult a doctor if

  1. Baby sows stiffness or difficulty in movements of the limbs or body.
  2. Baby keeps shaking or nodding the head, can apparently mean ear infection. Ignoring can result in deafness.
  3. Refusing to feed, not responding to calls from familiar faces and voices
  4. if there is bulk swelling on the lower or the upper gum area, take your baby to paediatrician to know what to do

Foods for Brain Development in Children

At 12 months –

At one year/12 months of age, the baby should be doing most of the following activities:

  1. Sit without help or support
  2. Crawl using hands and knees, trying to stand on his feet
  3. Walk using the support of the wall etc.
  4. Try to make sounds, weave words or sounds in response to people
  5. Play by clapping the hands
  6. Try to get attention by making different sounds, sometimes repeatedly
  7. Try to hold things using thumb and another finger
  8. Try to hold spoon, bowls etc.
  9. Try to eat by himself

Hands-on For Parents and Caretakers

  1. Talk more, tell small stories, Play, Point to things and mention their names
  2. Have a family time with baby, interact with him. Encourage him to sit with family while having meals.
  3. If learning or growth is slower than usual, concentrate on doing those things more often and motivate him positively. Has a lot of effect on his emotional development.
  4. Don’t leave the baby at the same place for a long time.
  5. Ensure safety to avoid any untoward incidents, as the baby now can move on his own.
  6. Along with breast milk feeds, ensure the baby is introduced to other necessary foods and habituate him to eat everything good.
  7. Encourage him eat by himself using a spoon and a bowl.
  8. Make sure you are up to date with the baby’s vaccination schedule.

Signs You shouldn’t ignore – Meet the doctor, if

  1. There is no response to people’s calling through gestures, sounds or talks.
  2. He is Not noticing a moving object
  3. He shows Less appetite or Refusing to eat.

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