How To Handle My Newborn?

This is the very first question that most first time mothers will have in their mind.

It is very important to understand the ways to handle and hold the newborn, especially for the first 15 days as the newborns do not have a strong Immune System yet and so they are at a higher risk for infection.

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Few Tips on How to Handle Newborns?

Clean Hands

Before holding the new born baby, we should be sure that we are free from dust, dirt germs and bacteria on our hands. So it is always recommended to wash your hands thoroughly before handling the baby. As a mother, you make sure that everyone who handles your baby has clean hands.

Your newborn is obviously fragile and delicate, but don’t be perturbed about touching her or holding him/her. Just make sure, the place around the baby and the hand holding him are clean.

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Holding the Baby

It is absolutely important how you hold your newborn’s neck. Your hand should always be a support structure in his neck and head. While you hold the neck, support the head with your palm with an elevated thumb.

Similarly, make sure you give proper support to your baby’s head, while carrying your baby in an upright position and also while placing him on the cradle or bed.

It is a normal practice to expose the child to early morning sunlight and you will have to make a few doctor visits as well. In the former case, you will need to be changing positions of the baby so that the whole body is exposed to sunlight while in the latter, you might be asked to hold the baby is different positions for various check-ups. It is necessary to be careful in such situations and ensure the baby’s neck and head are always supported. There is no need to be nervous and be confident, the baby is your own. But, if at all you feel nervous, leave the responsibility of holding the baby in such circumstances with older adults in the family in the family or the caretakers if you have any.

Do’s and Don’ts While Handling the Newborn

Feeding the Baby

One of the most important things with the newborn is to teach the baby to latch the nipple properly. It takes a while and sometimes a kind of struggle for some new moms. While lactation consultants at hospitals would have helped you with this, your newborn will be smart enough to do it by himself after a few trials. One of the sweetest things to happen ever! Yet, not without your support and that tender care, a newborn will be able to do this, to feed from a comfortable position.

Also, remember to feed from a sitting position with your back placed comfortably. Breast feeding in sleeping positions could choke the baby and can end up very harmful.

Avoid These

Holding Newborn babies in arms will make them more comfortable as the warmth of the adult’s body, especially from the mom’s touch which might help in reducing the crankiness and unsecured feeling in them, which will, in turn, might help them get good sleep.

Better not to use the products like strollers, baby carry bag, or any other equipment, while travelling during the first month to avoid unnecessary untoward happenings.

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What You Wear

Before lifting up the baby in your arms, check your dress that it doesn’t have any zari, beady or pricky art work which might hurt the baby’s soft skin. It could, in the worst case, can cause allergies/rashes, even hurts on the skin too. Similarly, unclean clothes can cause skin problems.

Mom’s ‘ME TIME’

From the early weeks itself, as you get used to your baby’s routine of waking up and sleeping (which is going to keep on changing as well), learn to indulge in some “ME TIME, where you can focus on yourself in addition to your newborn. Some ways could be doing things of your interest, a nice warm shower, a good massage, being ready for your hungry baby, taking extra care on your diet that keeps you healthy and which helps in more breast milk supply, going down a few weeks, you can also do some simple workouts.

Happy Parenting!!!

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