Advantages of Montessori Education for Toddlers

Montessori education was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. Montessori education is designed in a way that  every child can develop essential skills within himself in order to use the creative learning process throughout his life. It helps in developing the skills in a child, which is essential to attain success in life. 

This education inculcates in the child a thirst for knowledge. This is done by developing a sense of order, nurturing functional creativity, boosting self-confidence and most importantly, bringing in a sense of independence.

These purposes of Montessori education are mostly achieved by following two things in the classroom.

  • The first case is that the child is encouraged to have a hands-on experience to explore the choices available and to make his own choices and the child is not forced to do any activity. 
  • In the second case, he is helped to learn with the help of the materials available to him. This builds his ability to learn in future situations.


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Advantages of Montessori Education

Montessori education is different from regular school in the following ways:

Mixed age group of children

Traditionally, in schools, children of different ages are in separate classrooms. Montessori classrooms have a mixed age group of children in every environment. The environment encourages mutual respect, caring for the environment and others. It builds a sense of responsibility for self and others.

Small children observe older ones and learn to behave in this environment. They observe the work of their elders and also learn by observing. The older ones also watch the little ones and calm them down. By observing the younger ones in their activities, the older ones consolidate the knowledge they already have.

One set of material of each activity

Every child in a class has same textbooks, notebooks and even for activities each child is given the same materials to work with. This is because everyone can do that particular activity together. In a Montessori classroom there are various activities for children which are placed throughout the room.

Only one set of materials is saved for each activity. In fact, only one child should be working on a task at a time. This is how others who want to work there learn patience. Because they have to wait until the materials are back on the shelves to pick them up themselves. Initially, children may lack the patience to wait and may try to take something directly from others, but over time they develop the patience to wait.

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Freedom within limits.

The traditional schools have set timetables that are followed in the classroom. So the child has to learn what is taught. They need to sit in the seats assigned to them and do not have freedom to move as and when they want to. In Montessori classrooms the children have freedom, but within limits.

They are free to choose from the various activities that they know. They are not allowed to take an activity set which hasn’t been presented to them. They can choose where they want to work and how long they want to work on the activity, but they need to ensure they are not disturbing anyone else and are using the materials as it is supposed to be used. Their have the freedom to move around in the classroom, to speak to their friends, but without harming or disturbing others. This builds the child’s awareness of others and the consequences of his actions. 

Individual attention to each child

In schools a teacher has many students in one class and giving individual attention is not possible. Montessori education is designed based on observation of a child’s needs and interests so individual attention is given to each child. Children are given individual lessons through presentation of activities. The teacher observes how the child works on the activity and guides the child only as much as needed. 

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Self-learning and self-correction

New traditional schools have lessons given by teachers and then examinations are conducted to assess if the children have learnt the concepts. Montessori materials are beautiful and attractive. The materials are made with natural materials like wood, ceramic, glass, etc. Children are drawn to work with them. They are designed to help children learn by themselves. The materials are designed in a way that enables children to correct their own mistakes. 

Learning at the child’s pace

In traditionally, schools teaching takes place in the predetermined way. Every child is given the same curriculum at the same time. In Montessori education, the learning happens based on a child’s interest and at his pace. Each child is given presentations based on the interest shown by the child. The complexities of the concepts are introduced to the children as and when they are ready for it.

For example a child working with colour tablets. In the initial stage he works by pairing just 3 colours and later pairing with 9 colours. Later, even goes on to even more details like grading shades of colours. 

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As parents, let us just always remember that each child is unique and has his own pace and timeline for his accomplishments, and those accomplishments are different for everyone.

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Author Profile 

Maria Joseph

Maria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.



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