Healthy Homemade Milk Mix For Kids

Weekday school mornings are always a rush in most homes. If kids getting ready on time is a task, there comes a bigger concern of the children taking their morning food/drink which should be both filling and healthy. What are those options ..milk drinks that can be healthy, tasty and easily homemade.

To make your child’s mornings healthier, try one of the following homemade Flavoured Milk Mix Options for Toddlers and Kids

Homemade Milk Mix For Kids

Children above 2 years of age can have these drinks once a day. Trying to include more than one of these drinks during a week’s time gives variety as well as better nutrition.

Milk Mix for Kids

Ragi Malt

Ragi (Finger Millet) is a great source of energy as it is rich in carbohydrates and calcium. A wholesome food given to children as young as 6-7 months.

Here we share a simple recipe of preparing Ragi malt, which can be easily and quickly made and tastes great too.

  • Take one or two teaspoon of Ragi flour.
  • Add water and mix to form a thin consistency like buttermilk.
  • Add jaggery/palm candy/powdered jaggery as per our taste. Avoid using white sugar unless absolutely necessary, as in your child completely hates the taste of any of those mentioned above.
  • Add a pinch of salt.
  • Cook the mixture on medium flame for about 5 mins or till the Ragi turns thick and dark. Stir the mixture continuously.
  • Or to check if it’s cooked, drop a little amount of the cooked Ragi in a glass of water to see it rolling into a ball in water without getting diffused or dissolved.
  • Add milk to the cooked Ragii and mix well. Enjoy the tasty and healthy Ragi malt drink.

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk has once been a regular in olden days when the child has cold and cough. Now, the experts have confirmed how good and beneficial the drink is in terms of boosting immunity for the child. A maximum of two times in a week is enough to provide a plethora of benefits to the children.

  • Heat milk with a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper powder and the required amount of palm candy or powdered jaggery.
  • Remove the milk bowl after a few minutes, ensuring that the milk is well heated and the spices are mixed well.
  • Strain the flavoured milk into a drinking glass. Your healthy and immunity boosting turmeric milk is ready

Oat flour and Nuts Malt

Oats and Nuts is a combination of taste and health. Quick to prepare as well.

  • Mix oat flour with water in a watery consistency and stir in low flame.
  • Add nuts powder (roasted and powdered almonds and cashews).
  • Cook till the mixture is creamy.
  • Add milk and sugar for a tasty oats and nuts’ milkshake.

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Nuts Powder Milk

A few Almonds and a few cashews every morning provides various health benefits, for the whole physical being including the body, the skin and the hair. Nuts are otherwise a kids favourite too.  There are a number of ways the Nuts Powder Milk Mix can be made easily at home and here we present a very simple and basic version of the same.

  • Dry roast 100g almonds and 5-7 full cashews slightly.
  • Grind the roasted nuts to a fine/coarse powder.
  • Add a pinch of saffron (optional)
  • Add 1 or 2 cardamoms (optional).
  • The Homemade Nuts Powder is ready.
  • You can either add sweeteners, while grinding the nuts or add them while preparing the drink.
  • Store the nut powder in an airtight container fof up to 20-30 days.
  • To prepare the drink, add 1 teaspoon of nut powder to hot milk. Add sweetener if not added while preparing the nut powder.
  • Enjoy the power and taste of Nuts along with milk.

Beetroot Malt

Beetroot now is considered as a superfood, for kids especially and is essentially good for blood health. All said and fine, it is not an easy favourite one for kids. So, we are sharing a tasty recipe of taking beetroot regularly in your child’s diet.

  • Wash and peel two beetroots.
  • Cut into small pieces.
  • Wash and soak 20 almonds in warm water for about an hour. Peel the almonds.
  • Take 20 cashew nuts. (Adding nuts is optional).
  • Roast peeled almonds and cashew nuts. Let it cool.
  • Grind the beetroot pieces into a fine paste.
  • Cook the fine paste in a kadai. Once water gets evaporated, add the jaggery powder. You could also add the jaggery syrup after filtering it for impurities. Mix well and let the water evaporate.
  • Grind the roasted nuts along with cardamom seeds and add it to the mixture.
  • Keep stirring till completely dry and crystallize. The mixture would look like rock salt.
    Cool the mixture and blend it to a fine powder. It can be stored in airtight container for about a month.
  • Prepare beetroot malt by adding one teaspoon of beetroot powder into hot milk or can be refrigerated to have it as a milkshake.

We recommend Beetroot malt powder from Aaruvita. Click Aaruvita’s Beetroot Malt

Carrot Malt

The benefits of carrots for kids are not unknown. Carrots, more often in your child’s diet can do wonders for his eye health.

Easy Carrot Recipes for Kids

  • Wash and peel four carrots. Cut into small pieces.
  • Wash and soak 20 almonds in warm water for about an hour. Peel the almonds.
  • Take 20 cashew nuts. Roast peeled almonds and cashew nuts. Let them cool.  (Adding nuts  is optional).
  • Grind the carrot pieces into a fine paste.
  • Cook the fine paste in a kadai. Once water gets evaporated, add jaggery/jaggery powder. You could also add jaggery syrup after filtering it for impurities. Mix well and cook till the water evaporates.
  • Grind the roasted nuts along with cardamom seeds and add it to the mixture.
  • Keep stirring till completely dry and crystallize. The mixture would look like rock salt.
    Cool the mixture and blend it to a fine powder. It can be stored in airtight container for about a month.
  • Prepare carrot malt by adding one teaspoon of carrot powder to hot milk.

We recommend Carrot malt powder from Aaruvita. Aaruvita’s Carrot Malt

Regularly starting your child’s mornings with the above healthy drinks which are a combinations of proteins, vitamins and calcium will surely show improvement in his health and in building his immunity.

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