How to Start Reading for Toddlers?

Why Should We start Early?

One of the gifts of a child below 6 years of age is his ability to take in everything around him as it is. Nothing is complicated or simple for the child. It’s because of this ability that reading to children regularly is recommended. We need not restrict reading only stories or things we think that a child will be interested in. What we need to do instead is read to children, whatever personally interests you. Reading something which interests you will naturally ensure that you read with full involvement. 

Read More – Benefits of Reading for Toddlers

How to Start Reading for Toddlers

How Do We Start Reading for Toddlers?

  • For children initially when we read the words we read are merely a combination of sounds. Gradually they will understand the distinct words and later on the meaning and context. This is why even reading aloud what you are reading regularly will benefit the children. Every time they hear the sound it becomes more and more familiar. Reading even the same thing will be better than not reading at all. 


  • You can read aloud while reading your newspaper. Be mindful of what you read because we don’t want children to be too exposed to the cruelty and harsh reality of the world. You can start by reading the editorial section or the business section or the main news. This could be in later years a bonding session between you and your child.

Whereby, you both read the daily news and share your thoughts and ideas with each other. A very strong foundation for the child as reading newspaper and being aware of what’s happening around and how it can impact our day to day life can be considered as one of the important skills a person can have. 

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Remember – You need not read out a gruesome account of a murder or rape. This is because we would not want our child to ever know that the world is this bad yet.

  • You can also read something related to your course. Say you are studying a course and need to read regularly for the course. Reading aloud can keep your child engaged with you and also ensure that you are able to finish your reading. This way you are setting an example also for the child that regular reading is essential and good. 

Read More  – Good and Bad of Fairy Tales for Children

The comprehensive effect of our daily reading efforts is enormous. In the long-run, a child who was read to from birth does have a great head start to a child who was read to, later on. Reading to a child on a regular basis, preferably on a daily basis, even if it is as little as, say, reading for 5 minutes daily can be very good for the child. 

So start small, but start now. Happy reading!

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Author Profile 

Maria Joseph

Maria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.


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