Keto Diet – Advantages and Disadvantages

“Ketogenic” is high fat, medium protein, low-carb diet. Keto diet as it is shortly referred as, is a diet which has more fat, moderate levels of protein foods and very less easy to digest carbohydrates.

The body will start burning the protein and fat into energy when it isn’t getting enough easy carbohydrates for converting to energy. Keto diet helps in reducing weight. This process is called ketosis.

Keto Diet - Advantages and Disadvantages

Who can follow Keto Diet?

Those with Type 2 diabetes and high obesity level/BMI number can follow keto diet and it works remarkably well too.

Who should not follow Keto diet?

Since, it poses risks of digestive issues, Pregnant women, nursing mothers, type-1 diabetics, people with a history of heart, kidney, liver ailments and those who got their gall bladder removed should not go for keto diet.

Combinations of Foods to Avoid

Keto Diet – Advantages

  • Reduces hunger

Normally, when you are on a diet, feeling hungry is a common problem that you face. This might have made you feel miserable and eventually led you to give up on the diet. However, since calorie intake in keto is low, appetite also is reduced naturally.

  • Reduces inflammation

Eating carbohydrates rich foods, especially those which are high in sugar increases our glucose levels and also production of insulin so that all these sugars are converted to energy. Insulin causes inflammation. So when you follow the keto diet and reduce the intake of carbohydrates your body, eventually reduces the insulin production and thereby minimizes inflammation throughout the body.

  • Anti-aging properties

The Keto diet helps you to firm up your skin. This is because of reducing refined sugars. Refined sugars can weaken the collagen and cause wrinkles, fine lines and sagging of skin.

Following a keto diet means you consume foods rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and these nutrients are good for preventing sun damage.

  • Increases the good cholesterol level

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) levels are increased with a diet that is low in carbohydrates. Following a keto diet is an excellent way to increase the HDL levels in your body which eventually will help in the prevention of heart diseases.

  • Controls the bad cholesterol levels

High LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) levels are considered to increase risks of heart diseases. The reduction of carbohydrates in your diet while following the keto diet reduces the LDL level in the blood which will lead to overall improvement in heart functioning.

  • Reduces surplus water weight

When you are dehydrated, your body tends to store water and so you carry an extra weight of stored water. So if you’re following the keto diet, you can shed this excess weight quickly.

4 Herbs You should Grow in Your Home

Keto diet – Disadvantages

  • Keto Flu

The transition of burning fat, instead of burning sugar, to energy would make your body tired for a few days. So you might complain of fatigue, vomiting, lethargic, etc. You might have keto flu for a few days till your body adjusts to the change.

Tip –

Drinking enough water and getting adequate sleep might help in coping with the effects of keto flu.

  • Constipation

You might have constipation for a few days while your body adjusts to the transition. Fiber is essential for maintaining healthy bowel movements, so if you do not consume enough fiber from keto-friendly foods like non starchy vegetables, you may experience digestive issues like constipation.

Tip –

Consume fiber rich foods that are keto friendly. Curd being a natural pre-biotic is good for easy digestion and combining with vegetables  can enhance its fiber value. Curd with cucumber/tomato/celery/lady’s finger can be an easy accompaniment to your keto meal.

  • Diarrhea

You might get diarrhea because your gallbladder is overworking to produce bile to break down fat into energy. It could also be because of the low fiber content in your diet. Increasing fiber rich foods like vegetables to help you fulfil your body’s requirements of fiber content.

Tip –

Foods that you can supplement required minerals and fibers while you are on keto diet are Cabbage, Eggplant, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green beans, Mushrooms, Cucumber, Spinach, Kale, Lettuce, Tomato and herbs like cilantro, thyme, mint, ginger etc.

  • Weight Regain

It is not advisable to follow the keto diet for the long term. So when you stop following the keto diet, you might regain the weight lost when you restart having carbohydrate rich food.

Tips –

    • Gradually shift back to a high carbohydrate diet from keto diet.
    • Limit refined grains and sugars even after going off the keto diet.
    • Maintain protein intake.

Benefits of Colored Vegetables and Fruits

Keto diet has its innumerous benefits, but consulting a doctor or dietician before switching to follow a keto diet will be best for you to minimize the risks associated with following the keto diet.

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Author Profile 

Maria Joseph

Maria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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