Home made Bathing Powder For Children

It is an age old practice in India to prepare bathing powder mix at households, by using a mixture of herbal powders with natural anti-microbial properties to cleanse, to scrub and to brighten the skin. Along with cleansing and softening, it also helped in reducing the chances of getting various skin problems.

Neem leaves, Indian Acalypha, Turmeric etc., helped the skin stay clear as well as helped preventing acne, pimples, dark patches and normal skin disorders etc.

Bathing powder was enhanced with rich fragrance as well using rose petal powder.

Home made Bathing Powder
Bathing Powder for Children

Important Tip to Remember:

For new born babies and until at least 1-2 years, make sure to warm the required amount of water to a usable temperature and use it for bathing the baby, especially infants, instead of mixing hot and cold water.

Body Wash For Babies

Bathing Powder for Children – 2 to 6 months:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of fresh milk cream with a pinch of wild turmeric powder. Apply the mixture all over the body of the baby. Wash it off.

Alternatively, you can use raw milk instead of fresh milk cream.

Bathing Powder for Babies – 5 months to 18 months:

  1. Mix a teaspoon or two of fresh milk cream with green gram powder and a pinch of wild turmeric powder. Apply the mixture all over the body of the baby. Wash it off.

Alternatively, you can use raw milk instead of fresh milk cream.

Bathing Powder for Children – 18 Months to Any Age:


  1. Green Gram Powder – 2 teaspoons
  2. Tanner’s Cassia/Avarampoo Powder (Senna Auriculata) powder – ¼ teaspoon
  3. Neem Leaves powder – ¼ teaspoon
  4. Indian Acalypha/Kuppai Meni Powder – ¼ teaspoon
  5. Fresh milk cream/Raw Milk – 3 -4 teaspoons or as required (For Dry Skin)

         Or Curd/Yogurt – 3 teaspoons or as required (For Oily Skin)

  1. Pure Coconut Oil – 1 or half teaspoon (for very dry skin type – optional)
  2. Wild Turmeric powder – 2 pinches


  1. Mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Apply all over the body.
  3. Leave for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wash it off.

 Note 1: You can also add rose petal powder (1/4 teaspoon) for good fragrance on the skin.

Note 2: You can use equal ratios of gram flour and green gram flour instead of only green gram flour. Very good results.

Note 3: Adding orange peel powder to the mix is also very good.

Oil Massages for Babies: When To Start, How To, Benefits and Risks

Healthier Bathing Tip 1:

  1. Boil neem leaves in a pot of water until you see the water turn greenish in color.
  2. Strain the water from the leaves.
  3. Mix the strained water into the water used for bathing.
  4. Use this water for shower.
  5. Keeps the skin fresh.
  6. You can do this once a week or as and when possible.

Healthier Bathing Tip 2:

  1. Warm the water to the bathing temperature and use the same for bathing the baby. Don’t overheat the water, then mix cold water into it. Using this one shot heating of water to bath the babies reduces chances of getting a cold / cough.

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