Benefits of Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities are curriculum based activities, but outside of school. Basically, they are non-academic activities, but based on their academic subjects. It obviously results in better understanding of the topics, thereby, has a positive impact on the child’s academic performance.

Co-curricular activities are majorly indoor, as they are curriculum based.

benefits of co curricular activities

Examples of Co-curricular activities

  • Spelling bee
  • Olympiads
  • Clubs of various subjects like math’s, science, language etc.
  • Workshops
  • Exhibition
  • Computer Coding
  • Web designing
  • Story writing
  • Debate
  • Elocution

Importance of co-curricular activities in foreign admissions for higher education

  • Pique interest in your child’s application
  • Raises the possibility of getting selected
  • Brings out your child’s intangible qualities more than mark sheets can ever do.

Benefits of Extra Curricular Activities

Benefits of co-curricular activities

Gives a deeper understanding of the subjects

Co-curricular activities provide opportunities for children to choose a subject or two and do activities based on that. Olympiads are exams in various subjects for children of most grades. Spell Bee focuses on English. Quizzing is about general knowledge, or on specific topics etc.

Hence the child explores the subject(s), its topics and gains more knowledge on the same than he does at school. He explores, experiments, discusses, practices more and collect data and information beyond their textbooks. Thus, their subject knowledge and understanding improve vastly.

Improves academic performance

Co-curricular activities directly improves academic scores of the subject(s), the child has taken part. It is as obvious as that because he had worked and learned more on those subjects. With better understanding of the concepts they are able to do well in their exams.

Supporting Teen Children’s Career Choices

Improves analytical skills

While doing co-curricular activities involving subjects like Math’s, Physics, events like quiz, debates, group discussions and those based on logical and analytical reasoning, it involves finding a new solution, a new perspective. So, the children improve their problem solving skills and possibly learn to apply knowledge from books to real life as well.  They would be able to think through the various options available and learn to analyze.

Gives renowned interests in subjects

Firstly, these co-curricular activities do not put pressure on the children in terms of marks or score. Getting an opportunity to learn and do something that does not stress on academic grades and that lets him choose and explore at his own free will, will eventually make him more interested in what he is doing.

Feeds Curious Minds

Participation, preparation, learning something in deep and advanced levels, especially with subjects like Science, Literature satisfies their young curious minds.

Easy ways How to Raise your Toddler Smarter

Co curricular activities are primarily curriculum based activities and mostly require individual participation. It helps your child pursue their interests and engage more with them outside of the classroom and within the curriculum. There is no scale, no measure, no limitation of the same. The achievement of goals should also primarily take place independently. Parents need to understand and accept this.

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