Sukhdi or Gol Papdi Recipe

Sukhdi is a Gujarati sweet dish or sweet recipe that is usually prepared during winter. It’s simple yet nutritious for children. Ghee helps to keep us warm, aids in better digestion. Ghee is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, making it good for keeping colds and coughs at bay. Ghee has essential fats, which keeps skin soft and supple. Whole wheat flour will give energy to the child and also boosts immunity. Jaggery is a healthier option than white sugar and also rich in iron and helps in warming the body.

Benefits of Ghee and Side Effects of Ghee

Sukhdi or Gol Papdi Recipe


Ghee – 1/2 cup

Whole wheat flour – 1 cup

Grated or powdered jaggery – 1/2 cup

Sukhdi or Gol Papdi: A Traditional Sweet Recipe

Method to prepare sweet recipe

  • Take a plate and grease the base and the sides well with ghee. Set the plate aside. Grease well, so that sweet will be easy to take out after it cools down.
  • Take a thick and wide bottom pan. Heat the pan well and add ghee. You need to keep the gas on medium flame. Let the ghee melt well.
  • Add whole wheat flour in small batches. Incorporate each batch well with ghee before adding the next batch. Ensure there are no lumps.
  • Cook for 5 mins and all the while keep stirring while the mixture gets cooked for 5 mins. You will notice the colour changing to golden brown. You will be able to smell the nutty aroma.
  • Turn off the flame and remove the pan from the stove. Keep stirring so as to not burn the bottom portion of the mixture.
  • Add grated jaggery or jaggery powder. Always make sure that you have removed the pan from the stove while adding jaggery.
  • Mix the jaggery powder or grated jaggery well.  Immediately transfer the mixture to the greased plate.
  • Spread the mixture evenly onto the plate using the back of the spoon.
  • You could garnish using chopped dry fruits or toasted sesame seeds. Press down the chopped dry fruits and toasted sesame seeds into the mixture.
  • Make square or diamond shapes using a knife. This will help you to separate into pieces.
  • Once cooled down enough, separate the pieces and enjoy the yummy dessert.

Easy Carrot Recipes for Kids

Variations you could try

  • Use ragi instead of whole wheat flour
  • Use multigrain instead of whole wheat flour

Key points to keep in mind

  • Keep the flame on medium throughout the cooking. This is to ensure that the sweet is cooked evenly.
  • Stir the mixture continuously. This also ensures no part of the mixture is overheated.
  • Add jaggery only after removing the pan from the heat. This is to ensure that jaggery doesn’t get cooked into a 1 string consistency.

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Author Profile 

Maria JosephMaria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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