Summer Drink Recipe – Aam Panna 

Aam panna is a perfect summer drink, which is also known as ‘aam jhora’.  Cooking mangoes for preparing it takes away the heat properties of the fruit and makes it an ideal way to use the fruit when it is available in abundance during summers without having any concern.

Aam panna is usually made with unripe mangoes. Though it tastes best made with mangoes that are not fully unripe and have just started getting ripe just a tiny weeny bit.

Aam Panna Recipe

Aam panna recipe

Aam Panna is prepared in different methods with slight variations in different regions of India. Here, let us see two simple and quick preparations of the same.

How to Use Boiled Rice Water for Summer Heat

Method #1 Boiling mango


Raw Mango -1 medium size

Water – 1 cup

Sugar or jaggery – ¾ cup

Cardamom powder -½ teaspoon

Roasted cumin powder – ½ teaspoon

Pepper powder – ¼ teaspoon

Black salt – 1 teaspoon


  • Rinse and clean the raw mango.
  • Take a pressure cooker with 1 cup of water and add the cleaned raw mango to it.
  • Pressure cook for 2 whistles. Or you can cook it for 8-10 mins.
  • Once the steam gets released open and check if mangoes are soft.
  • Remove the mango aside to cool.
  • Strain the water that you cooked the mango in. Strain well and keep only water.
  • After the mango cools down, you can peel off the skin  and take out the pulp as much as possible and measure the same.
  • Add Sugar or jaggery, which should be double the quantity of the pulp.
  • Add the cardamom powder, roasted cumin powder, black pepper and black salt. Mix well until the sugar dissolves.
  • Aam panna syrup is ready and can be stored in a container and kept in the fridge for 2-3 months.
  • Add 2-3 spoons of the syrup for one glass of water whenever you want to drink aam panna.

Note – You can use the water you strained after cooking the mango.

4 Easy Ways to Beat the Stomach Heat

Method #2 Roasting mango

You all would have tried making or at least heard of baigan ka bartha (A brinjal dish). Here, instead of roasting baigan we will be roasting mango, which  brings a smoky flavour to the aam panna.


Raw mango – 3 large size

Sugar or jaggery – 1 cup

Mint leaves – ¼ cup

Roasted cumin powder – 1 teaspoon

Black salt – ½ teaspoon


  • Rinse and clean the raw mango.
  • Wipe the mangoes. Ensure that the mangoes are dry.
  • Keep a roti rack or papad rack on a gas stove top.
  • Roast the mangoes and ensure that the peels of mangoes are charred and cooked evenly.
  • Check if the mangoes are done by sliding a knife into them. (It should slide inside the mangoes easily without any resistance)
  • Once the mangoes are cooled down to normal temperature, peel off the skin.
  • Take out the mango pulp as much as possible.
  • Add sugar or jaagery that is double the quantity of the pulp.
  • Blend the mango pulp, sugar, mint leaves, roasted cumin powder and black salt into a smooth paste using a blender or mixer grinder.  
  • Strain the mixture so that the aam panna syrup is smooth and store it in a container and keep in the fridge for later use.
  • For making the drink, take 2-3 teaspoons of the syrup for every glass of Aam panna.

Easy Detox Drink To Cleanse Your Body

Enjoy the refreshing drink with your family, without the guilt of eating mangoes generating the body heat. 

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Author Profile 

Maria JosephMaria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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