Diet for PCOS/PCOD – Foods to Eat and Foods To Avoid

PCOD and PCOS – What are they?

PCOD/PCOS can be termed as a hormonal imbalance condition where PCOD characterizes releasing of immature, partially grown eggs and PCOS is a more serious condition, causing endocrine problems which result in ovaries producing excess male hormones (androgens, for instance), where eggs grow into cysts. Poor lifestyle, obesity, stress are the common causes.

In these days, Polycystic ovarian syndrome / Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS/PCOD) are a common condition among adult women as many and frequently happen as early as around 30 years of age. These conditions further can lead to other serious lifestyle diseases like diabetes, endometrial cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Healthy, balanced diet accompanied by a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of further health problems.

Diet for PCOS and PCOD

Insulin levels and PCOS

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, which allows the absorption of glucose by the cells from the food. The person suffers from insulin resistance cannot use the insulin effectively and result in higher sugar levels in the blood resulting in diabetes.
One of the major problems of PCOS is higher insulin levels in the body. The increased insulin levels lead to producing more male hormones in a woman’s body, causing the ovaries to grow into cysts resulting in fertility problems.

PCOS: PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome

Diet for PCOS and PCOD

Better Diet for PCOS and PCOD should contain less fats and carbohydrates, which can help maintain normal sugar levels in the blood, increasing the chances of successful conception of babies.

Plan for Diet PCOS and PCOD – Foods to Eat

Here are some ideas which can help manage the problems caused by PCOS/PCOD

• Fiber Rich Vegetables like Broccoli, cauliflower
• Unprocessed foods
• Anti- inflammatory foods and spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, cloves etc
• Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale
• Whole grains • Cereals like oatmeal, barley, oats, whole wheat
• Low fat dairy Produces like yoghurt,  skimmed and toned milk, paneer and other milk alternatives such as soy milk, almond milk etc
• Fishes rich in  Omega-3 fatty acids such as Sardines, Salmon, Tuna.
• Nuts like walnuts, almonds, pecanuts
• Seeds like cucumber seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, fenugreek seeds
• Legumes like chick peas, cow peas, green gram, kidney beans etc

Keto Diet – Advantages and Disadvantages

Diet for PCOS and PCOD – Foods to Avoid

• All refined carbohydrate foods should be avoided to manage the Insulin resistance.
• To Avoid Saturated and hydrogenated fats
• Eating Red Meat avoid
• Avoid refined Cereals
• Sugar, white bread, muffins, pastries avoid for better diet

PCOS Lifestyle

Everyone can maintain a healthy weight by practicing a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, walking, healthy balanced food and self-care. Refraining from committing to overwork without proper breaks is important for a stress free lifestyle. Mental health and physical health should resonate together for overall well-being.

There is no particular workout set out for PCOS nor heavy body training is needed. Warm up and stretching for 15-20 in the morning, a brisk walk in the evening can bring about good changes. Do not forget to detox. Sleep well.

When to meet Doctor?

You will have to consult the specialists irrespective of the lifestyle you follow, when there is
• Excessive Hair growth
• Problem in conceiving
• Sudden weight gain
• Acne
• Segregation of more oil on face
• Irregular periods
• Itching in the pelvic area

Difference Between PCOD and PCOS

You know your body, don’t hesitate to meet the concerned specialist when your intuition warns you of a problem. Volunteer yourself for a checkup.

The chances of conceiving naturally is higher in PCOD than PCOS, but both conditions require a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle and a positive spirit. Good Luck!!

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