Summer Special Drink: Traditional Panakam

In Sanskrit, Panakam means sweet drink. It’s also called Panaka or Panagam.

Panakam is a cooling and refreshing summer health drink made in homes of South India. It combines herbs and spices along with jaggery as a sweetener providing a lot of health benefits, especially acts as a coolant which aids in digestion during summers.

Benefits of Panakam

It is such a simple and yet comforting drink that can quench your thirst. A perfect remedy for the scorching heat of summer. The benefits of spices, lemon and jaggery in Panakam are aplenty.

Summer Special Drink – Aam Panna


Jaggery is considered a super food and natural sweetener which is unrefined. It takes longer to digest than sugar and so is easy on your body. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals. It aids in digestion and is recommended daily in limited quantities.


Spices like cardamom powder, pepper powder and dry ginger powder have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and are also high in antioxidants. Improves gut health and digestion.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a good source of Vitamin C. It helps in protecting cells from damaging free radicals. Let us not forget how good can lemon juice be, as a refreshment during summers.

4 Easy Ways to Beat the Stomach Heat

panakam recipe


½ cup powdered jaggery

3 cups of water

⅛ teaspoon of cardamom powder

Pinch of edible camphor

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

⅛ teaspoon of dry ginger powder

⅛ teaspoon of pepper powder

Salt as required


  • Soak the ½ cup of powdered jaggery in 3 cups of water for at least half an hour, mix it well once it is completely dissolved.
  • Strain the jaggery water to remove impurities if any.
  • Add ⅛ teaspoon of cardamom powder, pinch of edible camphor, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ⅛ teaspoon of dry ginger powder, ⅛ teaspoon of pepper powder and salt as required.
  • Mix well and panakam is ready.
  • You can add Tulsi leaves and ice cubes while serving.

How to Use Boiled Rice Water for Summer Heat


Instead of using lemon juice, you can use tamarind water. You will need to soak tamarind in hot water for 20 mins and extract tamarind pulp. Strain and use the clear tamarind water.

Note –

  • You can adjust the water quantity and spices to suit your individual tastes.
  • You can use palm sugar instead of jaggery but avoid using sugar.

So enjoy your drink that is not only simple to make and refreshing to drink but also helps the body in a number of ways during hot summers.

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Author Profile 

Maria JosephMaria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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