PCOS: Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a hormonal disorder among women, which causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer layer. In PCOS, male hormone production count is increased, causing irregular periods and further creating problems in conceiving.

Also, PCOS adversely affects the hair growth and leads to heavy hair loss and also causes excess hair growth on face, chin, back and other areas like men. Diabetes and heart related diseases are other concerns of PCOS.


Does PCOD affect Conceiving?

The cysts in the ovaries due to PCOS result in irregular periods, both in terms of time and flow, affecting the ovulation. When ovulation is not healthy, it is obvious that baby conception also becomes difficult.

This is a condition of hormonal imbalance because of the secretion of male hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and androgen.

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When does PCOS happen?

The problem can start as early as the time of first periods, but generally happens from the age of 20 years and widely seen among 30+ year old women.

Causes of PCOS

The exact reason is unknown yet, but medically, it is the secretion of male hormones that affects the menstrual cycle, that is, the male hormones control the release of eggs from the ovaries. This makes the cycle irregular.

Male hormone production can happen because of genetic reasons, insulin resistance, and inflammations in the body.

Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, unhealthy food habits, a less clean environment, early age of menarche aggravate PCOS.

Common Symptoms of PCOS

Not until the woman finds herself in difficulty trying to conceive naturally, she doesn’t normally realize the problem.

As this is an erratic hormonal condition, it causes both the physical and mental troubles. Some of such symptoms include:

  • Irregular Periods: Delayed periods as long as a few months between two periods.
  • Excess Hair Growth:  Hair growth on their face, chin, back, chest called hirsutism
  • Obesity: Stubborn and excess weight gain
  • Heavy bleeding: Excessive blood flow during the cycle, causing exhaustion and irritation.
  • Skin Problems: Dark patches on the skin, especially on hands and legs.
  • Headache: A streak of headache for no obvious reasons.

Health Problems caused by PCOS 

  • Infertility: The high levels of androgen in the body disturb the fertility health, affecting the conception of baby adversely.

  • Obesity: Obesity is a symptom as well as a side effect. Weight gain persists and worsens.

  • Depression: Mental exhaustion is a tug of war here again, the trauma occurs because of the undesirable hormonal changes and worsens with the stress of trying to have regular cycles and trying to conceive.

  • Endometrial Cancer: The uterine lining sheds can build up as cancer cells, if the woman is unable to ovulate every month.

  • Sleep apnea: A sleeping disorder with sudden and frequent stopping and starting of breathing, during sleep. Quite a serious one.

Home Remedy for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Treatments for PCOS

Laparoscopic treatment

This helps to control the production of androgen in the body which probably would help the ovaries to ovulate at regular and proper intervals and produce fertile eggs.

Hormonal Treatments

To regulate the hormonal imbalance problem.

Infertility Treatment

Inducing fertility through medicines for the formation of healthy eggs.

Ovulation Induction

Medications that help ovulate and increase the quantity and quality of eggs.

Skin Treatments

Treatments for skin pigmentation and acne problems caused because of PCOS.

Treatments for Excess Hair growth

Help reducing the growth of unwanted hair on chin, chest, back.


Treatments which include birth control pills to regulate the periods and medicines to control the high cholesterol level.

How to Diagnose PCOS?

If it is tested and confirmed if you have cysts on ovaries, have irregular cycles, face problems in getting pregnant, exhibit high androgen levels, the following procedures of diagnosis will be followed.

  • Pelvic Examination will be done to confirm about the growth of cysts in Ovaries.
  • Ultrasound scans will be recommended to examine the uterus.
  • Blood Tests for finding out the blood sugar levels, Triglyceride levels, Cholesterol levels.
  • Fertility treatments to improve the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Weight Loss treatment to reduce weight in a healthy way and help lower the insulin level.
  • Low Carbohydrate diet, Low glycemic diet to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Birth control pills to balance the hormones.

When is the right time to meet Doctor?

  • If you have irregular periods.
  • If you face excess hair growth on face, chest, back, etc.
  • If you are not conceiving even after trying for more than a year
  • If you have sudden weight gain or weight loss.
  • If you have symptoms of diabetes.

If you have faced any of the above symptoms, please meet a gynaecologist and follow the doctor’s advice.

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