Difference between PCOD and PCOS 

Many women are confused between the PCOD and PCOS and they often use them without knowing the exact difference between the two.

Knowing what is what would help us  understand the differences between PCOD and PCOS.

They are similar in the sense that they both are related to problems in ovaries and that they influence hormones. Yet, there are many significant differences.

PCOS: PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOD – Polycystic Ovarian Disease          

  1. In this condition, the ovaries release premature eggs, which can turn into cysts and cause irregular periods, hair loss in the front area of the head, sudden weight gain, infertility and abdominal pain.
  2. The eggs are immature or partially mature. The ovaries become enlarged and secrete large amounts of male hormones called Androgens. This results in infertility issues and problems in conceiving or getting pregnant. 
  3. Reasons: Bad food habits like eating junk food, not maintaining a healthy weight and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  1. It is a disorder caused by the metabolic alterations of the endocrine system. In this condition, higher levels of androgen – male hormones are produced than required which leads to an irregular ovulation cycle. 
  2. The irregularity interferes with the development and release of eggs in the right stage. This results in the formation of cysts in the ovaries which are sacs filled with liquid in the ovaries over time.
  3. Symptoms: Hair loss, obesity and infertility.

Difference between PCOD and PCOS

difference between pcod and pcos


  • PCOS is a very serious condition as this is a metabolic disorder, whereas PCOD is not considered to be a very serious disease and it can be managed with proper diet and exercise.
  • PCOS is a disorder of the endocrine system. But PCOD is developed by an imbalance of hormones. 
  • PCOD is very common in comparison, but PCOS patients are lesser in number.
  • PCOS leads to serious complications as this accompanies other major problems like Diabetes, High blood pressure, which can further lead to cardiac issues, obesity and also endometrial cancer.
  • PCOD don’t result in fertility issues for longer if medically treated. The women with PCOD can conceive successfully with proper treatment.
  • PCOS can be identified at an early age with the symptoms of excess hair growth, weight gain, acne on face.
  • PCOD women can ovulate regularly and conceive successfully, whereas PCOS do not ovulate because of the severe hormonal imbalance conditions which restrict the process of ovulation.

First Weeks of Pregnancy – What You Need to Know and Do

How to Cure PCOD and PCOS

PCOS and PCOD are different diseases which involve the Ovaries and Hormones. They both can be alleviated if they are identified at the right time and treated properly. They can be cured with proper medications, diet, fitness, and a healthy lifestyle altogether.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease does not lead to infertility in all the women affected by it. 80% of women can successfully experience a smooth pregnancy. Maintaining good health by consuming the right diet with a good and balanced lifestyle can help to come out of this condition and to help with conception. 

Irrespective of trying to conceive or not, and not just for women, all of us should try to understand our body and follow a lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, basic stretching/workout, walking  to avoid various health conditions. Better late than never!

Happy Pregnancy!!!

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