Uncovering the Causes and Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy 

You need to read this article if you are,

  • Are a woman who are in age of 35 years or above.
  • Have abnormalities in fallopian tube structure naturally.
  • Have a history of previous pelvic surgery.
  • Have had miscarriages and abdominal surgery.
  • Have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
  • Have a history of sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
  • Have smoking and drinking habits.
  • Have Hormonal Imbalance issues.

Also, sometimes, conception can happen in the tube ligation or intrauterine device – T shaped birth control device.

Why? Because you are the risk of abnormal conception called Ectopic Pregnancy.

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Let us read on.

Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially dangerous condition that affects many women each year. It occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. If left untreated, ectopic pregnancies can cause significant health risks, including infertility, infection and internal bleeding. As such, it is important for women to understand the signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy so they can seek prompt medical care.

What makes Ectopic Pregnancy Risky?

Ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal conception where the embryo sits outside the uterus where it is no way meant to grow. Most cases, it happens in the fallopian tube and as the embryo divides and grows, there are chances that the fallopian tube breaks.

This breakage can be called as a rupture, and this will cause severe bleeding and infection. Sometimes if it is untreated in the right time it leads to death. This is the condition for medical emergency. Once the ectopic pregnancy is found out the health care providers must act and treat quickly, failing which the rupture may cause the fallopian tube to split open and lead to a very serious condition.

Hence, knowing the signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Let us discuss the symptoms and the emergency condition in detail.

How Long the fetus in Fallopian tube last?

The egg which is fertilized is in a structure which is wrapped and can grow outside the uterus in the wall of fallopian tube can be live between 6 weeks to 16 weeks.

What are the Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy?

In the beginning it is feel like a usual pregnancy with all the symptoms for normal pregnancy such as missed periods, stomach bloating, tender breast, lower back pain and also vaginal bleeding.

But if the bleeding is along with pelvic pain, then it has to be supervised by an gynaecologist immediately. As there is a blood flow from the fallopian tube, there is an urge always to pee or some pressure in the urinary track. The reason behind this is that the nerves around the fallopian tube get irritated and cause this pain.

Symptoms that suggest emergency

  • Unbearable abdominal pain and pelvic pain with vaginal bleeding.
  • Shoulder pain

A healthcare professional can confirm an ectopic pregnancy through ultrasound tests or hormone level tests. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible if any of these symptoms are present.

Can we prevent this Ectopic Pregnancy?

Normal conception itself is never an 100% assured result of the child making process. It is highly impossible to predict and prevent an abnormal conception like Ectopic pregnancy. But yes, sometimes the risk of ectopic pregnancy can be reduced,

  • if you are in regular reproductive health check-ups and maintenance.
  • If during the intercourse the couple be more careful of the protective methods, if they are not planning for baby. This helps to reduce the PID and STDs, which can cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes and leads to ectopic pregnancy.

The regular reproductive maintenance includes frequent gynaecological visits, regular STD screenings and Healthy lifestyle. Happy Pregnancy!!

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