High Protein Breakfast: Oats Omelette

Protein is important for building muscle. They form the macronutrients necessary for the growth of the child. Since protein is one of the nutrients that the body does not store, it is important to include protein in your daily diet.

In breakfast oats omelette provide the maximum benefits in terms of muscle health and sustaining energy, though out the day without having to crave for an extra snack. A high protein breakfast keeps children full for at least four hours.

Additionally, studies have proved that proteins in breakfast meals help children not to lose focus on what they do on any given day.

Easy High Protein Snacks for Kids

Eggs are an easy option for proteins and the children can be an egg every day.

Here, we share an easy, quick, protein rich, wholesome breakfast recipe – Oats Omelette.

Oats Egg Omelette

Oats Omelette


  1. Half cup oats
  2. ½ cup milk or water
  3. ½ cup Chopped veggies (Onion, Carrot, Bell Pepper, Beans, Palak etc)
  4. A small handful of finely chopped coriander leaves, curry leaves
  5. 2-3 finely chopped green chillies
  6. 3 eggs
  7. Salt as per your taste
  8. Pepper powder as per your taste
  9. A pinch of turmeric powder
  10. Garam masala as per your taste

6 Easy Healthy Homemade Milk Mix For Kids


  • Take ½ cup of oats and grind it into a powder.
  • Transfer the powder into a bowl.
  • Add ½ cup of milk or water. Milk can be of your choice.
  • Rest the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Add the chopped vegetables, coriander leaves, mint leaves, curry leaves and green chillies. You can add  veggies of your choice depending on your taste and availability of the vegetables.
  • Add 3 beaten eggs.
  • Add some salt, pepper powder, turmeric powder and garam masala. Instead of garam masala you could use any other masala powder of your choice.
  • Mix well.
  • Take a pan and brush oil.
  • Pour the mixture and spread it. Since it is a kind of thick batter unlike normal dosa batter, spread the batter on the pan accordingly.
  • Pour ghee around the omelette. Cook one side and flip to cook the other side.
  • Enjoy it with whole wheat bread or you can have it with chutney or sambar like you have dosa or spread cream cheese over it.

Note –

You can sprinkle oregano or other Italian seasoning items for a richer taste.

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Author Profile 

Maria JosephMaria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.


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