Tips to Teach Kids Self Discipline Skills

Self-discipline is a skill that can be learned by all. Self discipline nothing but our decision to do what’s needed when it’s needed irrespective of your moods. Discipline as a virtue comes the foremost in a human and instilling qualities that prepare him to be self-disciplined need to be taught from his childhood.

Tips to Teach Kids Self-Discipline

Types of Self Discipline 

Active Discipline 

The Active discipline can be explained as engaging in an activity at the precise moment. 

A typical example, could be letting the child use a gadget with internet connection, what he should be doing and what he is doing

Reactive Discipline

This type of Reactive discipline could be explained as the control a person has on his own behavior and thoughts, especially during unanticipated and unavoidable trying times. 

An example can be when a child can stay calm despite having difficulty handling a person in a team game or a project.

Proactive Discipline 

It is your ability to foresee situations and being as prepared as you can be to face the situations. 

For example, being ready, packing the things and setting the uniform needed before leaving for school the next day.

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Tips to Teach Kids Self Discipline 

Let us look into few ideas of making the child self-disciplined. We need to groom the child to behave with good sense and sensibility such that he grows up to be an activel-ly, reactive-ly and proactive-ly disciplined person.

Model Self Discipline

Most importantly, the children learn what you do more than what you say.

So, firstly be what you want your child to be. Disciplined, Kind, Organized and Punctual etc. Be their living model to the virtues you want to see in them.

Follow a Routine for Self Discipline

  • Plan a simple day to day routine for children that they can eventually follow without your assistance. Initially though you might need to assist them. 

Routine with respect to daily habits like wake and sleep time, meal times, outdoor, homework etc.

  • As they grow, you may teach them to keep the things ready for the next day of school, organize their cupboards, washing/polishing shoes, washing the bicycle weekly or monthly, basically those chores which need regular arranging, organizing and cleaning.

Eventually, the child should learn to do his routine activities without having to be reminded.

  • Have simple and clear rules that your child is expected to follow. Communicate the rules to your child. Explain your reasoning and benefits of following the rules. 
  • Additionally, teach flexibility during unexpected situations and mention how following standards and steps have helped them a long way.

This routine will enable him to realize how it is so easy to go about one’s activities as planned rather than being all over the place trying to cram up everything at the last minute. 

Dining Habits and Personality for Self Discipline

Food behavior definitely has an effect on the personality development. Eating slowly and chewing properly is said to have developed an even and calm mind, a strong and confident personality.

Teach the child to sit in a correct posture, chew his food, and eat his meals clean. Watching TV/Videos, spilling food, gulping food without chewing, hasty eating will make them more restless.

Benefits of Reading for Toddlers

Group Discussions/Circle Time

Encourage group discussions regularly among children. It will help them “Learn to Wait”.

  • Allow them to speak out their opinions freely.
  • Make them listen to what others say.
  • Agree or disagree with the arguments awaiting their turn, without interrupting the speaker.
  • Teach them not to over-react or be attention seeking.
  • No foul or bad language or bullying.


Sharing with others and not expecting anything in return always, is a trait that is seen in an individual who is highly self disciplined. Teach the children, the contentment of giving and sharing without expectations or return favours.

Arranging fairs within communities and encouraging bartering of book and toys, without having to commercialize and compare the prices.

Facing Consequences of Choices

Allow your child to face the natural consequence of his actions. This will enable him to understand the effects of his choices better and make better decisions next time. 

Example – missing to keep the uniform the previous day and running late for the school bus the next day will bring self realization.

Games and Activities Help Teach Kids Self Discipline

  •  Blocks and Lego Games

For toddlers, activities such as arranging their toys according to sizes, or type, or color, etc can help build self-discipline and games like building blocks

Elder kids can do the same in an advanced level using toys like Lego games.

  • Stacking and Pouring
    1. Pouring water from one vessel to another vessel without spilling.
    2. Stacking toys/cards without falling
  • Hide and seek 

A game that we all have played and loved during our childhood is great for improving a child’s capacity to control himself. It builds perseverance in the children, while they try to find out each of their hiding playmates.

It helps them to be aware of their surroundings to find a place to hide. It builds on their abilities to control their actions and movements to be hidden for as long as they can.

  • Jenga or Pick up sticks 

These games help the child to slow down and focus. The child will have to be absolutely, completely focused on the game. It will eventually calm the child and also enable him to be more aware of himself and the effects of his actions.

  • Simon says

The child will need to be careful and follow the instructions carefully. They will have to control their impulse of performing the action when the instruction is given as it is. 

Apart from the above all games that involve a child having to control his actions and behavior are in a way good to improve a child’s self discipline. 

Benefits of Self Discipline for children 

  • Having a sense of control over oneself
  • Ability to be proactive
  • To cultivate and maintain good habits
  • Being internally motivated
  • Able to enjoy the successes 

Self discipline is something that needs to start and to be developed at home, even as a toddler. Just one thing, in an endeavor to teach self-discipline to children, the parents should not become stern and strict parents and teach them that being kind has to go along with being self disciplined to become a better individual.

Inculcating self discipline is a long process and enjoy the ride with all its highs and lows. Try to help your child to understand himself better. You can help him to be more aware of his surroundings and the needs of those around him. 

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Author Profile 

Maria JosephMaria Joseph

An experienced Montessori trained teacher who loves to play with children, eat chocolates, watch the rain, watch movies and to read.

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